Man Meat

" onmouseover="window.status='gallery-1.html';return true" onmouseout="window.status=''; return true">
The women behind For The Girls were sick of seeing the same old porn that was made only for men, so in 2003 they decided to make their own high quality site, one that reflected their own tastes and fantasies. Today For The Girls is a huge site that still proudly caters to female porn lovers, offering hot naked men, hardcore couples, erotic fiction and heaps more.

" onmouseover="window.status='';return true" onmouseout="window.status=''; return true">Click here to visit For The Girls
Ezine and Erotica for women

"I watched him begin to work his hand up and down, and then I watched his face. His eyes remained closed, and there was a tiny furrow between his brows, the mark of concentration mixed with pleasure as he quickened his pace. I wondered what he was thinking. Was he seeing me in his mind's eye? Did he imagine himself fucking me, or was it someone else? Whose thighs did he stroke? "
Want to know what happens next...

" onmouseover="window.status='';return true" onmouseout="window.status=''; return true">Knowing that your audience is female makes all the difference. For The Girls is devoted to giving women the quality porn they want and need!
" onmouseover="window.status='gallery-2.html';return true" onmouseout="window.status=''; return true">
" onmouseover="window.status='';return true" onmouseout="window.status=''; return true">For The Girls has a huge variety of erotic stories written especially for women
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